St. Columba School's Elementary students took a tour of Bloomsburg. Their community walk went to the library, post office, and courthouse. The students received a tour of each building too. They visited the fountain, the Civil War monument, and examined many architectural features throughout the area.
Pictured here in the front of our town courthouse are in the front row left to right are Aria Wiley, Elysia D'Agosta, Julia Kriesher, and Finley Morris. Second row from left to right are Dominic Alemain, Mariella Reese, Charlotte Coombe. Third row from left to right are Audrey Lonczynski, Amia Wiley, Meredith Brink, and Lillian Procida. Back row from left to right are Cooper Williams, Will Humphrey, Ayla Wiley, Jason Ervin, and Roman Anderson.