St. Columba School honored veterans as part of our school's Veterans Day salute. After our school mass, we performed the "Empty Table" ceremony. This is to honor those men and women in the service who have fallen, are imprisoned, or are missing in action. Each item was placed on the table and Mrs. McKinnon read the significance of each item as they were placed. At the end of the ceremony Father Mowery, a 17 and half year veteran of the Army, gathered with the following students around the table. From left to right front row are Katie Ervin Kindergarten, Peyton Broyan 5th grade, Dominic Alemian 1st grade, Will Humphrey 3rd grade, (Will's father is a colonel in the 28th Infantry Division who is currently deployed in Kuwait), Barrett Smolenak 4th grade, Luca Cavallini 6th grade, Maryn Berger 2nd grade. In the back row left to right are altar servers, Amelia Beishline 7th grade, Hope Hopper 7th grade, Father Mowery and Saleah Shannon 8th grade.